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neck adjustmentPosture Correction in Bundaberg

From streaming and scrolling to texting and gaming, many people spend significant amounts of time on their devices, which wreaks havoc on posture, particularly among younger generations. The habit of looking down at phones, tablets, and other devices for extended periods disrupts the natural curves of the spine, leading to posture changes that can result in pain, mobility issues, and long-term health problems if left unaddressed.

At Family Chiropractic Bundaberg, we focus on restoring proper posture through family-focused care that targets the root causes of these issues. Our approach utilises specific chiropractic techniques designed for successful posture correction.

Our Approach to Posture Correction

Initial Assessment and Ongoing Monitoring

When you begin your care with us, we start with a thorough consultation and examination. This includes a detailed posture assessment with photographic documentation. We repeat this analysis at regular intervals throughout your care to provide objective feedback on your progress.

Customised Care Plans

Our care plans combine gentle, precisely-targeted chiropractic adjustments with a focus on lifestyle factors contributing to postural issues. We offer personalised advice on optimising your work environment, including proper computer and desk set up for both adults and children. Our team will analyse photos of your workstation and provide recommendations for improvements.

Home-Care Strategies

We are passionate about empowering our patients to take control of their health. That’s why we teach specific posture-correction exercises designed to strengthen weak muscles and alleviate strain on overworked areas.

Quick Tips for Better Posture

In addition to getting chiropractic care, here are some simple tips to help improve your posture:

  • Set reminders to monitor and adjust your posture regularly throughout the day
  • Strengthen your core muscles through regular exercise
  • Adjust your workstation to promote proper alignment
  • Take frequent breaks from prolonged sitting or device use
  • Practice mindfulness and body awareness during daily activities

kids wearing backpacks and smiling

Backpack Checks for Children

Is your child toting too much in their backpack? Many parents are rightfully concerned about the weight of their children’s backpacks and its impact on posture. We offer posture and backpack checks for kids of all ages. Our chiropractors provide guidance on safe weight limits and proper strap adjustment techniques to ensure optimal support and minimise potential posture-related issues.

Perfect Your Posture, Starting Today

Don’t underestimate the impact of poor posture on your overall health. Book a posture check with Family Chiropractic Bundaberg today.



Posture Correction Bundaberg QLD | (07) 4181 1464